Medication Errors in Santa Fe Nursing Homes: What You Should Know

Posted by PKSD New Mexico Law Firm on July 22, 2024 in Nursing Home Neglect

Medication errors in Santa Fe nursing homes happen far too often. Unfortunately, these mistakes can result in serious or even fatal medical conditions for residents. If your loved one is in long-term care, you will definitely want to understand more about the most common types of mistakes nursing homes make.

In this article from PKSD, we discuss the different types and causes of medication errors that occur in nursing homes and what you can do to protect your loved one.

Do you suspect a loved one suffered harm due to a medication error in his or her nursing home? If so, you may be eligible to recover compensation for your damages. Our experienced nursing home abuse lawyers in Santa Fe are prepared to help.

Request a FREE case review today. 505-677-7777

Common Types of Medication Errors in Santa Fe Nursing Homes

nursing home staff giving medication to a residentSeveral types of medication errors can occur in nursing homes. These include:

Giving Residents the Wrong Drugs

This type of medication error is often the result of staffing shortages, an inexperienced caregiver or staff making a mistake because they are burnt out.

Administering the Wrong Dosage

Giving a patient the wrong dosage could put a resident’s health at risk or even lead to an overdose.

Skipping One or More Doses of a Prescription Medication

Often if this happens, it is an oversight or error. This could be the result of things like understaffing or inadequate training. However, it can also be an especially egregious form of abuse if a nurse deliberately withholds medication from a resident.

Improper Administration of a Medication

Crushing up an extended release tablet and administering it through an enteral feeding tube, for example. In this situation, doing so could cause the tube to clog or worse still, it could lead to a potentially fatal overdose.

Administering Drugs That Should Not Be Taken Simultaneously

Some drugs dangerously interact when taken together, while others may increase each other’s toxic effects in the body. For these and other reasons, it is vital to read directions to make sure a resident’s prescription medication is properly administered.

Failing to Review a Patient’s Medical History

For instance, if a resident had severe drug allergies. If a caregiver administered the wrong medication, it could trigger a severe or fatal allergic reaction. The resident’s physician also needs to take care when prescribing a new drug. For example, making sure it will not harmfully interact with something else the resident is already taking.

Each of these errors can lead to serious consequences, potentially risking your loved one’s well-being and causing severe or fatal harm.

Why Medication Errors Happen in Santa Fe Facilities

Understanding the root causes of medication errors can help you stay vigilant. Some common reasons include:

  • Understaffing: When there are too few staff members, the likelihood of mistakes being made increases.
  • Poor Training: Staff who are not properly trained may make errors in medication management.
  • Miscommunication/Communication Breakdowns: If staff members do not communicate well, important information about medications can be lost.
  • Inadequate Systems: Nursing homes without proper medication management systems are more prone to errors.

These issues can lead to mix-ups, oversights and potentially dangerous mistakes in medication administration.

The Dangers of Medication Errors

Medication errors can have severe consequences for nursing home residents. Some potential outcomes include:

  • Unexpected health complications
  • Harmful reactions between drugs
  • Worsening of existing health conditions
  • Potentially life-threatening situations

Even seemingly small errors can have big impacts on an elderly person’s health and quality of life.

Recognizing Signs of Medication Errors

As a family member, you play a crucial role in spotting potential medication errors. Be on the lookout for:

  • Sudden changes in your loved one’s health or behavior
  • New physical or mental symptoms that appear without explanation
  • A rapid decline in your loved one’s overall well-being

These signs could indicate that something is wrong with your family member’s medication regimen.

What To Do If You Suspect a Medication Error

If you suspect some type of medication error has occurred, take these steps:

  • Report your concerns to the nursing home administration right away
  • Write down everything you have noticed and all conversations you have about the issue
  • Get immediate medical help if your loved one’s condition seems serious
  • Consider seeking legal help to determine if you may be eligible to recover compensation

Quick action can help prevent further harm and ensure your family member gets proper care.

Preventing Medication Errors: A Family’s Role

While nursing homes are responsible for proper medication management, families can help prevent errors:

  • Be involved in care planning meetings
  • Keep talking with staff about your loved one’s medications
  • Maintain an up-to-date list of all medications and dosages

Your involvement and attention can add an extra layer of protection for your family member.

When Legal Help May Be Necessary

In some cases, medication errors can cause severe injuries or even death. If you confront the nursing home’s administrators about a medication error and they fail to address your concerns, or address them properly, it may be a good time to speak to a lawyer.

You should also seek legal help if you believe a nursing home’s ongoing negligence is putting other residents at risk. Legal action might be necessary to protect your loved one and prevent future errors.

Protecting Your Loved One in Santa Fe Nursing Homes. Contact PKSD

Medication errors in Santa Fe nursing homes are a serious concern, but awareness and action can make a difference. Stay involved in your loved one’s care and watch for signs of problems. Do not hesitate to speak up about your concerns.

Nursing homes have a legal duty to provide your loved one with safe and proper care. This care includes providing correct medication management. If a medication error causes severe harm to your family member, it is important to consider seeking legal help.

If your loved one has suffered serious harm due to a medication error in a Santa Fe nursing home, PKSD is ready to help.

Contact our law offices today to learn about your potential legal options: 505-677-7777 .

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