Nursing Home Neglect

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Who May Be Liable for a Wheelchair Injury in a Santa Fe Nursing Home?

Many nursing homes residents suffer from medical conditions or illnesses that confine them to a wheelchair. Others may still have some mobility but need someone to wheel them to other places around the facility. If a resident falls out of or off the wheelchair while being transferred or transported, which…

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Negligent Hiring in Nursing Homes – What It Is and Why It Matters

Nursing homes have a responsibility to protect residents and provide quality care. However, many facilities and facility owners place profit over care by cutting corners. Negligent hiring is one way nursing homes could put residents in serious jeopardy. Failing to properly vet potential employees increases the risk of hiring someone…

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Could a Nursing Home Be Liable in New Mexico if a Resident Falls?

Protecting our loved ones from being injured during a fall is just one of the many reasons we place our loved ones into nursing homes. We entrust their well-being to the caregivers in these facilities, believing they will be safe and receive the assistance they need. With this thought in…

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What Signs May Indicate Nursing Home Neglect in New Mexico

Choosing a nursing home is a big decision, and often not an easy one. What families hope for is a facility that will provide the level of care your loved one needs and deserves. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. Do you know what signs to look for that may…

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Key Tips To Know When Looking for an Albuquerque Nursing Home

Nursing Home Neglect

Trying to find the right nursing home for you or a loved one can be overwhelming. There are numerous options available, but how can you tell which ones are best able to meet you and your family’s needs? While many claim to offer exceptional care, the pandemic era showed us…

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Body of Elderly Woman Missing From Nursing Home Found

An elderly woman went missing from Las Soleras Senior Living Center on a Friday evening in March. Esther Barnes, a woman in her late 90s, managed to leave the facility and wander away without being noticed by anyone. Santa Fe police department utilized a drone to help with its search…

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Can Nursing Homes Be Liable if a Resident Wanders and Gets Hurt?

Nursing home residents who wander have a significant risk of suffering severe or even fatal consequences without intervention. Wandering episodes are often the result of medical or mental conditions or a combination of both. Should your family member get injured after wandering from his or her nursing home, the dedicated…

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Why Are Credible Witnesses Key to Nursing Home Injury Claims?

Nursing Home Neglect

When nursing home negligence or abuse injures you or someone you love, you may be eligible to recover compensation for damages. Nursing home injury claims pose many challenges, however, especially when it comes to gathering evidence. Credible witnesses, when available, can play a key role in bolstering an injury claim…

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How Long Does It Take To Settle a Nursing Home Negligence Case?

Do you have a family member who was injured in a nursing home in Albuquerque, New Mexico? Nursing home negligence should never happen and it is unacceptable, especially when it causes someone harm. Families facing physical, financial and emotional losses often push family members to take legal action. You may…

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Staffing Shortages in Nursing Homes – What Are the Risks to Residents?

Nursing homes play a crucial role in providing care for the elderly, but staffing shortages are a significant problem. When understaffing exists, nursing homes cannot meet the acceptable standards of care. For residents, this means more than sub-standard care, however. Being short-staffed puts the health and safety of residents at…

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